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XTruLink Ideas Portal

SwipeTrack remains committed to adding features and making improvements to XTruLink in order to help our customers grow and succeed.

You may VOTE on feature ideas below, or add your own. Before you add a new idea, please use the SEARCH function to ensure the idea does not already exist.

As always, we appreciate your feedback and partnership!



Showing 7 of 103

Send Item Description & Origin URL to Altru

I would like to be able to query the Item name and Item description of an order from XTruLink in Altru. We have a number of custom levels designated towards the same fund, and there is no way to identify what page the donation originated from. Ple...
3 months ago in Reports 0

Add purchased events to calendar

It would be nice to be able to pull a B2B consignement or commission report for a date range longer than one month. It would also be nice if the report could show which event or tour was sold by the B2B company on these reports.
4 months ago in Reports 0

Data retrieval

It would be nice to be able to see the data of how many clicks we get for the links put in emails and text messages.
about 1 year ago in Reports 0

Event Report - Patron List with QR Codes for Event attendance support.

Is there any way to build a report that has you select an event then it lists the patrons names, the number of tickets they have + the QR code associated with the order for quick check-ins/correcting attendance numbers? Here is what I'm making man...
over 1 year ago in Reports 0

Schedule Function - So Reports Run and are emailed daily

Can reports get a schedule function for email deployment? I would love to have XtruLink send my Comms and Artistic teams the "Ticket Availability Report" each morning for specific event/s that happen on a future date.
over 1 year ago in Reports 0

Filter by Access Control User in reports

Currently can only filter by User in the Barcode Scan Report. Would be nice to be able to do this in the Entry Report and Membership Entry Report as well.
almost 2 years ago in Access Control / Reports 0

Add "Totals" row to Ticket Availability Report

Currently this report does not include a row at the bottom to calculate grand totals.
almost 2 years ago in Reports 0