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XTruLink Ideas Portal

SwipeTrack remains committed to adding features and making improvements to XTruLink in order to help our customers grow and succeed.

You may VOTE on feature ideas below, or add your own. Before you add a new idea, please use the SEARCH function to ensure the idea does not already exist.

As always, we appreciate your feedback and partnership!

Status Future consideration
Categories B2C Web Portal
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 15, 2024
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit IDEAS-I-103 Autofill patron registration information option for multiple items in cart.

Selecting Multiple Packages at Once Merged

For pre-registered events such as summer camp, it would be nice if we could select multiple packages of camp at once on the event details page. This would save time so that we will not need to go back to the event details page multiple times and fill out the registration form if we wanted to add multiple weeks of camp.