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XTruLink Ideas Portal

SwipeTrack remains committed to adding features and making improvements to XTruLink in order to help our customers grow and succeed.

You may VOTE on feature ideas below, or add your own. Before you add a new idea, please use the SEARCH function to ensure the idea does not already exist.

As always, we appreciate your feedback and partnership!


Pinned ideas

PINNED Daily Sale Screen (Point-of-Sale system)
Replace the Altru Daily Sales page with a more powerful version directly from XTruLink
PINNED Merchandise Support
Would really love to be able to sell merchandise online and at Kiosks

All ideas

Showing 106 of 106

Round Up Feature on Kiosk Sales

We would like the ability to enable a "round up" donation feature on Kiosk Sales, similar to the current feature that is available on Online Sales. For example, a guest with an order of $13.79 would be prompted with the opportunity to round their ...
about 12 hours ago in Kiosk & MPOS 0

Ability to send Membership Cards to both members automatically

We would like to send both members on a membership their individual links for digital membership cards automatically. Members often have different emails from the primary member and it is cumbersome to manually send a link to the secondary member
1 day ago in Digital Memberships 0

Offer Mid-Term Upgrades Online

Members should have the ability to upgrade their Membership online instead of having to call or visit the museum. This will improve the Member experience and free up staff time.
4 days ago in Digital Memberships 0

Notification for sold-out program events

When an event reaches capacity, it would be helpful if there was a notification option to send an email when the last ticket is sold. We sell 11 weeks of summer camps, and it would be helpful if we could be notified that an individual camp is sold...
11 days ago in Messaging 0

Control over what the cover the fees do

I would like the option to not add fees to the Donations. I'm not sure I feel comfortable charging fees on top of someone donating to the organization. I would like the fees to appear on the other items.
30 days ago in Other 0

Add appeals to online donations

To better track your solicitation efforts. This was implemented in Altru last year but since we don't use webforms with them anymore it would be helpful in Xtrulink.
18 days ago in B2C Web Portal 0

Altru system-generated guest passes support

System-generated guest passes may be added as a membership program benefit in Altru. Currently these passes must be redeemed via Daily or Advance Sales in Altru. Would be nice for guests to be able to: view available guest passes in their portal u...
almost 2 years ago in Access Control / B2C Web Portal / Kiosk & MPOS / Other 0 Future consideration

Program rosters on scanners/app

It would be very helpful for us to have more feedback during the scanning process on who on the roster has been scanned in and who hasn't been scanned in yet. We are moving away from our start location for most of our programs, so before we begin ...
23 days ago in Kiosk & MPOS 0

Portal page limited by member type, not just member/non-member

We would love for the member only portal page option to be taken to the next level and to have a portal page that only specific membership levels can access. This would allow us to better incentivize particular membership levels by giving them spe...
23 days ago in Access Control 0

Adding a membership to cart automatically applies member discounts to tickets in cart

Guests currently have to make two transactions if they want to purchase a membership to receive a discount on a ticketed event. I've seen other gardens that automatically apply member discounts when a membership is also in the cart. You could also...
almost 2 years ago in B2C Web Portal / Kiosk & MPOS 0 Planned